
Attract High-Quality Tenants with Digital Marketing for Your Multifamily Development

Whether you are constructing a new multifamily development or buying existing properties, quality tenants are among your highest priorities. Multifamily investment is the most profitable when you can secure tenants with stable lifestyles, responsible demeanors, and a respectable income bracket for the location and community.

To do this, of course, you need to increase your online presence. Digital marketing is essential in the modern day. Tenants who plan their lives carefully often do extensive online research before exploring new housing options, and these are the tenants you want. Therefore, it is important to leverage digital marketing strategies to attract the highest quality local tenants for your multifamily development.

Laying the Foundation: The Website for Your Multifamily Development 

Always begin with your website. The website of your multifamily property is your curbside view, lobby, and welcome center all in one. It will function as a landing page for advertisements, a tour of each home or floor plan, a place to spotlight amenities, and the trustworthy structure that high-quality tenants need when they are researching a new home.

SEO Organic Marketing

In addition to providing the foundation for your digital marketing campaign, your website is also the perfect way to attract “organic” (search engine result) traffic from people who are actively looking for an apartment or townhouse.

  • Use SEO strategy both for your website pages and in writing relevant blog articles that will rank highly for search engine users.
  • Don’t forget local SEO targeting, mentioning your city and nearby neighborhoods to help locals find your property.

The Essential Assets for Online Marketing High-Quality Apartments

Put together the essential assets for a multi-family marketing campaign. These include high-quality floor plans, photo tours, and showcased amenities. You will use these assets on your website and when listing or advertising your property on third-party sites.

High-quality tenants expect to see each of these three types of assets and will use them to compare properties to find the most luxurious and well-positioned new home.

  • Attractive Floor Plans
  • 2D and 3D
  • Virtual Tours

Floor plans show future tenants the type of home they can expect to find. Use a rendering program to create highly attractive and detailed floor plans, not just flat diagrams. You can render 2D floorplans or even create virtual 3D floor plans that can be digitally explored.

  • Virtual tours with 360 photography bridge the gap between a 3D rendered floorplan and a photo tour.

High-Res Photo Tour

Photographs are essential when marketing a home. New tenants must be able to see the colors, quality, and the general ambiance of the lifestyle you have to offer.  Create high-resolution photo tours that offer a comprehensive look at each floorplan, each residential unit’s best features, and the most important lifestyle details such as the kitchen and bathrooms.

List the Detailed Amenities of Your Multifamily Development

Feature your amenities with a concise list and a detailed photo-rich exploration of what your unique multi-family property has to offer each resident as a reward for joining the community.

List on Housing and Apartment Marketplaces

Once your website and assets are ready, create official listing on housing marketplace websites. “Real estate” websites aren’t just for selling houses. Many people use them as an efficient platform for seeking rental opportunities as well. Houston, Texas, is a big area, and platforms like Zillow and Trulia are often used to sort options, price ranges, and sections of the city.

Build a Social Media Presence

Social media is also a popular way to advertise multifamily home availability. Many people searching for a new apartment or townhouse will explore certain social media hashtags and accounts to see what catches their eye.

Effective use of social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and even LinkedIn can help you reach potential tenants in the right communities with highly visual advertisements.

Targeted Online Ads

Lastly, developing a highly targeted online ad strategy can also increase your multifamily development. Targeted ad platforms often have the tools you need to target specific areas for potential tenants.

Keyword targeting, example audiences, and making use of targeting tools all work together for paid advertisement success when looking to catch the eye of prospective tenants within your community.

Planning Ahead for Your Multifamily Development Project

When you are investing in a multifamily development, it’s only natural to envision your entire business plan including tenant marketing. Having a comprehensive online marketing strategy ready can help you secure tenants before the property is even complete.

For more insights into multifamily development and success planning, contact us today.